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Рапсовый пилинг, экструзионная предварительная обработка Технология

Наша технология переработки рапса:

Рапс-сушка-охлаждение-шелушение-кожица и отделение ядра-экструзия кожи, разбитое ядро-экран-экструзия-экструзия-извлечение.

Clean the rapeseed and remove impurity, dry the mositure to 5%-8%, then send to the huller. The rapeseed skin and kernel separated under shearing, extruding and grinding. After this section, it forms skin and kernel two storeys via vibrate and wind effect. While the skin send for re-separation, the broken kernel and the first separated kernel send to flaking. The skin processed for other use. The oil content of rapeseed after skin hulled rise from 40% to 46%. Due to the coarse fibre, elasticity of materials decrease, it is difficult to adopt normal squeeze method. Therefor, the follow-up technology use extruding and extrusion.